
This website is a project of the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) with financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office.

Contact (information according to §5 TMG)

Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) e.V.
Reinhardtstr. 7
10117 Berlin

+49 30 275 959 75 – 0
Email: fourninesecurity@​gppi.​net

Non-profit status: GPPi is an independent non-profit organization (“eingetragener Verein”), recognized as charitable (“gemeinnützig”, similar to US 501c3 status) by the Finanzamt Berlin-Charlottenburg (2007) based on §§ 51 ff. AO. Registration number: VR 26292 B.

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Thorsten Benner, Director, GPPi

Editorial Team

Editorial responsibility for this web project lies with the Global Public Policy Institute.

Editorial team: Thorsten Benner, Sarah Bressan, Hannah Clement, Katharina Nachbar, Amanda Pridmore, Philipp Rotmann, Sonya Sugrobova

Web development and realization: Welance
Web design and branding: Raymund Jacobs

This website was built with the web content management system CraftCMS.