Security In a Globalized World
Crises like the climate crisis and pandemics know no national borders. Only by working together can governments solve global problems such as food insecurity, raw material shortages and a crisis-prone energy supply. How do international organizations like the United Nations contribute to promoting cooperation around these topics and protecting our livelihoods? Where is the international system failing? And how should Germany engage in and for multilateral formats to make the planet safer for all?

Global Health Security Is National Security
Recent pandemics have highlighted shortcomings in governance and policymaking around health crises. To better protect its national security, Germany needs to make health security a greater priority.

“The Ukraine War Has Clearly Changed the Very Notion of Energy Security”
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has altered the geopolitics of energy. Going forward, energy security will be determined by how swiftly states manage to shift to a low-carbon economy.

Climate Politics and the New Cold War
In the looming ‘new Cold War’, climate and security concerns cannot be separated. As Germany reconfigures its security policy, how can it minimize the effects of great-power competition on a deteriorating climate?

Shock-Proofing Global Food Systems: A Pathway to Peace, Security and Prosperity
Efforts to enhance global food security are a remedy to several causes of global insecurity at once. Germany should invest in agricultural innovations that benefit small-scale farmers, starting with better support for neglected crops.

Bevölkerungsschutz als Instrument des deutschen Stabilisierungsengagements
Trotz seines enormen Potenzials übersehen Politiker:innen die friedensfördernde Wirkung des Katastrophen- und Bevölkerungsschutzes. Dabei kann das Instrument den sozialen Zusammenhalt stärken, Frauen fördern und Extremismus vorbeugen.

UNverzichtbar für die deutsche Sicherheitspolitik: Die Vereinten Nationen garantieren Frieden und Sicherheit
Nur die Vereinten Nationen sind für die Wahrung des Weltfriedens verantwortlich. Das sollte die Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie auch klar so benennen.