Rethinking Interdependence
Economic interdependence with non-democracies promotes peace, open societies and democratic change. Until recently, this was a core tenant of German foreign policy: mutual dependencies were treated as an insurance policy, and promoting foreign trade was automatically a smart policy. But Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the weaponized use of its gas exports make it clear: greater interdependence does not necessarily mean more security. How should German policy respond to this realization? And what does this mean in concrete terms for the national security strategy?

To Weaken Russia in Ukraine, Let’s Prioritize the Enforcement of Sanctions
Moscow’s low investment in innovation and the recent tightening of export controls have accelerated the decline of Russia’s technological power. But loopholes persist. Germany and the EU must act to close them.

“Chips or Not, EU Need to Mind Your Own Biscuits”: Why Europe Must Up Its Economic Weight
The recent paradigm shift in US export controls should be a rallying call for Europeans to reassess their own geo-economic doctrine. Only if the EU boosts its global market power can it assume a more favorable position vis-à-vis China.

Fairness und Transparenz im Wissenschaftsaustausch mit China
Trotz Herausforderungen des ‚Dual-Use‘ von Forschungsergebnissen und gefährlichen Asymmetrien profitieren wir von der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit mit China. Warum sich Deutschland für die eigenen Interessen einsetzen sollte, um eine Win-Win-Beziehung zu schaffen.

Vernetzte Rohstoffsicherheit: Ein Ende der Flankierungspolitik
Die deutsche Industrie hat sich zu leichtfertig in Rohstoffabhängigkeiten begeben. Um Deutschlands Position zu stärken, muss sich nun der Staat für Rohstoffprojekte und Abbaurechte einsetzen.

Securing Supply Chains for the Low-Carbon Economy: The Case of Electric Batteries
The transition to low-carbon technologies is creating new dependencies for the European economy. Especially critical for Germany: electric batteries. To reduce risks and reshape emerging global value chains, Berlin and other EU governments must prioritize a comprehensive governance approach.