Big Picture: Key Priorities for Germany's National Security Strategy
In their coalition agreement, Germany’s governing parties agreed to develop a “National Security Strategy” – a first for the country. A mere few months later, it is clear that this undertaking falls into a time of massive upheaval. Much that was supposedly certain no longer is since Russia invaded Ukraine. The international reaction to the war dominates news headlines and meeting agendas. But strategies are about the long view. So what are the big questions that Germany’s government needs to answer? And how should they go about it?

Editors’ Note: Input for a Strategy with Staying Power
+49security is wrapping up. While the German government is busy making final tweaks to the country’s upcoming national security strategy, we take stock – and look back on a project that aimed to stimulate strategic thinking around Germany’s security policy post-Zeitenwende.

Kompass statt Kleinklein: Feministische Perspektiven in der Sicherheitspolitik verankern
Sowohl die Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie als auch die Leitlinien feministischer Außenpolitik müssen Antworten auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft bieten. Jetzt ist der Moment, um Silos aufzubrechen, Synergien zu nutzen und feministische Perspektiven fest im sicherheitspolitischen Diskurs zu etablieren.

Germany’s Zeitenwende: Wind of Change or Hot Air?
The Zeitenwende has revealed many shortcomings in Germany’s armed forces. Why Berlin should move past intellectual passivity and financial constraints to reposition Germany as the security powerhouse of Europe.

Zeitenwende: What Has Been Missing From the Conversation?
Russia’s war against Ukraine has sparked an active public debate about German and European security policy. But not all issues have gotten the same air time.

To Weaken Russia in Ukraine, Let’s Prioritize the Enforcement of Sanctions
Moscow’s low investment in innovation and the recent tightening of export controls have accelerated the decline of Russia’s technological power. But loopholes persist. Germany and the EU must act to close them.

No Justice, No Security: International Criminal Law Enforcement’s Rightful Place in the German National Security Strategy
International criminal law enforcement is good security policy. That is why Berlin should obligate itself to sponsor, structure and strategize its application of universal jurisdiction in its upcoming National Security Strategy.