Everything tagged with stabilization
Bevölkerungsschutz als Instrument des deutschen Stabilisierungsengagements
Trotz seines enormen Potenzials übersehen Politiker:innen die friedensfördernde Wirkung des Katastrophen- und Bevölkerungsschutzes. Dabei kann das Instrument den sozialen Zusammenhalt stärken, Frauen fördern und Extremismus vorbeugen.
Schluss mit dem Autopiloten! Gute Krisenpolitik fährt nicht von allein
Wirksamere Stabilisierung und Friedensförderung erfordert die Priorisierung erfolgversprechender Fälle, mehr Mut zu Konfrontation und Blockaden im Apparat abzubauen. Das kostet Geld, doch sonst verpuffen die Millionen.
Germany’s Cognitive Dissonance on Security Assistance: A Barrier to Better Protecting Civilians
Germany’s engagement in crisis contexts lacks an overarching vision – but without a vision, no mid-level policies and no policy architecture that would allow Berlin to manage the dilemmas of engaging in difficult environments and reduce the risk of causing unintended harm.
Germany’s Role as a Global Leader in Stabilization
Stabilization can be one of the most effective ways to help countries prevent or emerge from violent conflict. Germany already leads the way – and should expand on this role with its new security strategy.
German Security Policy in Africa: New Enemy, Same Mistakes?
Despite the rising power competition with Russia in Africa, Western countries should avoid repeating their mistakes of past counter-terrorism and stabilization campaigns. How threat inflation and no-strings-attached security assistance hinders the chances for peace.
“The Issue of Good Governance has Become Too Marginalized in German Security Assistance”
Germany has shifted its approach to stabilization in the Sahel, from peacebuilding to a stronger emphasis on militarization. The results have been disappointing, says Olivier Guiryanan. Why Berlin should adjust course – and how.