Everything tagged with technology

Securing the Deep: Undersea Cables and National Security
Undersea cables comprise almost all of the world’s digital infrastructure – and their disruption could have devastating consequences. How can Germany better protect this critical infrastructure?

“The Promises Are Too Big to Ignore for Any Country with Geopolitical Aspirations”
The quest for a breakthrough in quantum computing is already altering economic and security considerations. On the dual-use character of quantum technologies, the potential civilian benefits, and more.

Recoding Tech Diplomacy into Germany’s Foreign Policy Approach
Germany’s digital tech diplomacy could use a rewrite. In its first security strategy, Berlin should focus on five key areas to fuse its tech capabilities with its foreign policy goals.

“Play the Game or Be Played”: Building Tech into Germany’s National Security Strategy
Technology is coming for international relations, whether nations are ready or not – and so far, Germany is not. Why Berlin needs to start viewing its national security through a tech policy lens.

To Weaken Russia in Ukraine, Let’s Prioritize the Enforcement of Sanctions
Moscow’s low investment in innovation and the recent tightening of export controls have accelerated the decline of Russia’s technological power. But loopholes persist. Germany and the EU must act to close them.

“Chips or Not, EU Need to Mind Your Own Biscuits”: Why Europe Must Up Its Economic Weight
The recent paradigm shift in US export controls should be a rallying call for Europeans to reassess their own geo-economic doctrine. Only if the EU boosts its global market power can it assume a more favorable position vis-à-vis China.