Everything tagged with un

Securing the Deep: Undersea Cables and National Security
Undersea cables comprise almost all of the world’s digital infrastructure – and their disruption could have devastating consequences. How can Germany better protect this critical infrastructure?

UNverzichtbar für die deutsche Sicherheitspolitik: Die Vereinten Nationen garantieren Frieden und Sicherheit
Nur die Vereinten Nationen sind für die Wahrung des Weltfriedens verantwortlich. Das sollte die Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie auch klar so benennen.

“Balancing Act”: Germany’s Role in the UN Security Council Reform
A year after the start of Russia’s war on Ukraine, the UN Security Council is more divided than ever. But even so, the body has also shown an intriguing degree of resilience in the last year. What went right and where are reforms needed? And what part does Germany have to play?

Multilateraler Input: Integrierte Sicherheit muss Gesellschaft und internationale Partner einbinden
Eine nachhaltige Zeitenwende braucht nicht nur eine Revision der Strategiebildung, sondern auch mehr strategische Re-Vision. Helfen können dabei Perspektivwechsel durch Input von Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und internationalen Partnern.

In a Globalized World, No Security Without Climate Security
Because they are driven by narrow concepts of security, security strategies typically end up looking for answers to new threats in the same old places. But Germany still has a chance to do it differently.

Embrace Multipolarity: Germany Must Act European for the Global Common Good
To promote a more peaceful world, Germany needs to move past primarily national strategies and start thinking European. The best way to do that: support a strong global role for the European Union.