Alle Beiträge zu protection

Germany’s Cognitive Dissonance on Security Assistance: A Barrier to Better Protecting Civilians
Germany’s engagement in crisis contexts lacks an overarching vision – but without a vision, no mid-level policies and no policy architecture that would allow Berlin to manage the dilemmas of engaging in difficult environments and reduce the risk of causing unintended harm.

“Chips or Not, EU Need to Mind Your Own Biscuits”: Why Europe Must Up Its Economic Weight
The recent paradigm shift in US export controls should be a rallying call for Europeans to reassess their own geo-economic doctrine. Only if the EU boosts its global market power can it assume a more favorable position vis-à-vis China.

Prioritizing the Protection of Civilians in National Security
When drafting security policy, those most affected by conflict are often missing from the equation. Applying a protection lens to Germany’s upcoming security strategy would be a way of putting civilians first.