Everything tagged with united-states

“Chips or Not, EU Need to Mind Your Own Biscuits”: Why Europe Must Up Its Economic Weight
The recent paradigm shift in US export controls should be a rallying call for Europeans to reassess their own geo-economic doctrine. Only if the EU boosts its global market power can it assume a more favorable position vis-à-vis China.

The Real Zeitenwende: A Europe That Defends Itself
With growing tensions between the US, China and Russia, it is not a smart bet for Europe to rely on Washington to provide security. The good news: it is also no longer necessary.

How to Trump-Proof Germany’s National Security Strategy
The Biden administration may make for a soothing partner, but it will not be in office forever. Instead of fretting over Trumpism, Berlin should accept its power to improve ties with Washington regardless of who moves into the White House next.

It’s the Politics, Stupid: Lessons for Germany from US Security Strategies
A successful national security strategy needs a solid political foundation. In democracies, that foundation – for better or worse – rests on the electoral process and the political leaders it produces.