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4 Beiträge gefunden
Taro Nishikawa
22 Feb. 2023
The Mind Is a Battlefield: Lessons from Japan’s Security Policy on Cognitive Warfare
The cognitive domain is the new frontier of modern warfare. What are the lessons learned from Japan’s new security policy on how to thwart cognitive attacks?
Alex Sängerlaub
22 Feb. 2023
Die resiliente Informationsgesellschaft in Zeiten digitaler Disruption
Deutschland braucht ein resilienteres Informationsökosystem und mehr Nachrichtenkompetenz. Ein probates Mittel gegen Desinformation: der Informiertheit der Gesellschaft. Diese gilt es zu erhöhen.
Elisabeth Braw
09 Jan. 2023
Murky Threats: Why Defense Against Gray-Zone Aggression Needs a Whole-of-Society Approach
As the lines between war and peace blur, so do those that define acts of aggression. Germany should learn from other countries’ efforts and invest in developing a defense against these gray-zone threats.