Everything tagged with china

“The Promises Are Too Big to Ignore for Any Country with Geopolitical Aspirations”
The quest for a breakthrough in quantum computing is already altering economic and security considerations. On the dual-use character of quantum technologies, the potential civilian benefits, and more.

Climate Politics and the New Cold War
In the looming ‘new Cold War’, climate and security concerns cannot be separated. As Germany reconfigures its security policy, how can it minimize the effects of great-power competition on a deteriorating climate?

Structural Power: A Global Infrastructure Policy Should be Part of a Positive Vision for the International Order
Countries in the Global South are suffering from massive infrastructure investment gaps. Germany should spur the EU’s sluggish infrastructure policy as part of a wider effort to promote a positive vision for the international order.

Effektive Chinapolitik braucht strategische Empathie braucht mehr Chinakompetenz
Erfolgreiche Politik gegenüber China setzt voraus, China zu kennen – doch daran hakt es noch. Die Bundesregierung muss in den Ausbau der strategischen Übersetzungs- und Analysekompetenz in Deutschland investieren.

“Chips or Not, EU Need to Mind Your Own Biscuits”: Why Europe Must Up Its Economic Weight
The recent paradigm shift in US export controls should be a rallying call for Europeans to reassess their own geo-economic doctrine. Only if the EU boosts its global market power can it assume a more favorable position vis-à-vis China.

Murky Threats: Why Defense Against Gray-Zone Aggression Needs a Whole-of-Society Approach
As the lines between war and peace blur, so do those that define acts of aggression. Germany should learn from other countries’ efforts and invest in developing a defense against these gray-zone threats.