Everything tagged with climate-crisis

“The Ukraine War Has Clearly Changed the Very Notion of Energy Security”
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has altered the geopolitics of energy. Going forward, energy security will be determined by how swiftly states manage to shift to a low-carbon economy.

Climate Politics and the New Cold War
In the looming ‘new Cold War’, climate and security concerns cannot be separated. As Germany reconfigures its security policy, how can it minimize the effects of great-power competition on a deteriorating climate?

Shock-Proofing Global Food Systems: A Pathway to Peace, Security and Prosperity
Efforts to enhance global food security are a remedy to several causes of global insecurity at once. Germany should invest in agricultural innovations that benefit small-scale farmers, starting with better support for neglected crops.

Context Is Key: Why Moderation Is Needed at the Climate-Conflict Nexus
When it comes to preventing conflicts, climate adaptation cannot replace peacebuilding and inclusive governance. Why nuance is the name of the game when discussing climate change as a security risk.

„Bei einer voranschreitenden Erwärmung minimieren sich die noch verbleibenden Anpassungsmöglichkeiten rasant“
Menschen, deren landwirtschaftliche Erträge stark von Niederschlagsmustern abhängig sind, spüren die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels schon heute. Den Ländern, die diese Klimafolgen verursacht haben, kommt jetzt die Verantwortung zu, sie zu bewältigen.